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<% 'Response.Write Request.QueryString ("oid")&"
" ' creation de la connexion set DataConn = session("connexionBDD") ' creation de la commande set notrecommande = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.command") notrecommande.CommandType =1 notrecommande.ActiveConnection = DataConn 'test : si modification (formulaire non vide) if Request.QueryString ("oid")<>"" then page_action = "modifresponsables.asp" notrecommande.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Annuaire_reseau where oid_annuaire ="&Request.QueryString ("oid") 'creation du recordset Set RS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet") RS.Open notrecommande , , 3, 3 if not rs.EOF then oid = RS ("oid_annuaire") nom = RS("nom") adresse = RS ("adresse") ville = RS ("ville") code_postal = RS ("code_postal") tel = RS ("tel") fax = RS ("fax") email = RS ("email") url = RS ("url") nom1 = Request.Form ("nom1") nom2 = Request.Form ("nom2") nom3 = Request.Form ("nom3") nom4 = Request.Form ("nom4") prenom1 = Request.Form ("prenom1") prenom2 = Request.Form ("prenom2") prenom3 = Request.Form ("prenom3") prenom4 = Request.Form ("prenom4") titre1 = Request.Form ("titre1") titre2 = Request.Form ("titre2") titre3 = Request.Form ("titre3") titre4 = Request.Form ("titre4") fonction1 = Request.Form ("fonction1") fonction2 = Request.Form ("fonction2") fonction3 = Request.Form ("fonction3") fonction4 = Request.Form ("fonction4") login = Request.Form ("login") password = Request.Form ("password") date_creation = RS ("date_creation") agrement = RS ("agrement") statut = RS ("statut") nb_patient = RS ("nb_patient") nb_prof = RS ("nb_prof") end if RS.Close notrecommande.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM join_spe_annuaire where id_annuaire ="&Request.QueryString ("oid") Set RS_spe = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet") RS_spe.Open notrecommande , , 1, 1 if not RS_spe.eof then i=0 dim id_specialite() do while not RS_spe.eof i=i+1 redim preserve id_specialite(i) id_specialite(i) = RS_spe("id_specialite") ' 'Response.Write RS_spe.movenext loop end if RS_spe.Close 'Response.write Request.QueryString ("oid")&"
" 'if Request.QueryString ("oid") <> "" then notrecommande.CommandText = "SELECT JOIN_CAT_PROF_ANNUAIRE.* , CATEGORIES_PROF.* FROM join_cat_prof_annuaire, categories_prof where join_cat_prof_annuaire.id_annuaire ="&Request.QueryString ("oid")&" and CATEGORIES_PROF.oid_cat_prof = join_cat_prof_annuaire.id_cat_prof" set RS_prof = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") RS_prof.Open notrecommande , , 1, 1 'if not rs_prof.eof then ' tab_cat_prof = rs_prof.getrows 'end if 'RS_prof.movefirst nb = rs_prof.RecordCount 'Response.Write nb &"enr"&"
" 'if not RS_prof.eof then y=0 dim var() do while not RS_prof.eof y=y+1 redim preserve var(y) var(y)= RS_prof("id_cat_prof") 'Response.Write var(y) &"y " &"
" RS_prof.movenext loop 'end if RS_prof.Close notrecommande.CommandText = "select * from join_resp_annuaire,responsables where id_responsable=oid_responsable and id_annuaire=" &Request.QueryString("oid") set RS = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") RS.Open notrecommande , , 3, 3 i=0 dim nom_resp() dim prenom_resp() dim titre_resp() dim fonction_resp() redim preserve nom_resp(3) redim preserve prenom_resp(3) redim preserve titre_resp(3) redim preserve fonction_resp(3) do while not RS.eof nom_resp(i) = RS("nom_resp") prenom_resp(i) = RS("prenom_resp") titre_resp(i) = RS("titre_resp") fonction_resp(i) = RS("fonction_resp") i=i+1 RS.movenext loop RS.close else 'page_action = "alimfiche.asp" end if 'for i =1 to nb 'Response.Write var(i) & "deuxieme" 'next %>


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"> ">
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Références : Doctissimo I Caradisiac I Ados.fr I Momes.net I gnomz.com I fluctuat.net